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Classroom Discipline

At Southeast Elementary, all students are instructed to follow our BASE behavioral system. 


Be Respectful

Act Responsible

Stay Safe


My classroom discipline will be based off students display of these BASE behaviors. I will be using ClassDojo as a behavioral chart. ClassDojo is an online program that allows students to receive points and have them taken away, based on our BASE behaviors. Every day I will update ClassDojo based on whether my wonderful students are displaying the BASE behaviors or not. If they are showing behaviors, then they will earn Dojo points. If a student is not showing BASE behaviors, then they will have a Dojo point taken away. At the end of every week, if a student has positive Dojo points in my classroom, then they can have the opportunity to choose a reward out of my treasure box. However if a student is continuously not displaying BASE behaviors, then they will not only lose a Dojo point, but will also receive a minor. Once a student has 3 minors, then they will receive an office referral and be sent to visit with Mrs. Beydler or Mrs. Edwards. My hopes for this year is that by using ClassDojo the students will have more positive attitudes and not receive minors or office referrals. I will be sending home a copy of the steps that parents will need to follow to gain access to our classroom Dojo and stay updated with student behavior and another form of communication. ​

Molly Ward

Upcoming Events

Contact Molly Forister

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
(573) 472-0707
Cell Phone:
Conference Time:
8:30 AM-9:30 AM